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In October 2015, Apostle Dr. La Marco Nesbit returned to Kenya to share the Rhema Revelation of God's Word concerning the realm of the Supernatural Life In Jesus Christ, from God's Perception. Apostle Dr. La Marco was sent there on Divine Purpose, to bring a revelatory word of God's Truth, which capsulated the power, authority, and presence of God to stir up and revive the people of God unto the original reason of the purpose in which they are created to manifest upon the earth, as sons to God. In the nine days that Apostle La Marco was there, he had the opportunity to meet and minsiter to many, however, there was thirty one five fold ministers that Apostle ministered to. And all thirty one came up under the covering of The Body of Christ United Global International Ministries, of which Apostle Dr. La Marco Nesbit is the Founder and Chief Apostle over. From the time that the word of the Lord was delivered to the people of God, to the month of November 2015, there are more than 600 five fold ministers that have come under this covering; and the numbers are still growing! Praise God, Hallelujah!!!

Apostle Dr. La Marco Nesbit has placed his spiritual son, Pastor Cyprien, in authority to work with a team of righteous, upstanding, ministers, who's heart is to serve God in Spirit and Truth, and they are doing a wonderful job!!! Glory to God!!! This move og God started in Maua Kenya, and has now moved in Nairobi Kenya, Meru Kenya, Mambasa Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Toronto Canada, and the United Kingdom. It is anticipated that upon Apostle La Marco's return to Kenya in February 2016, that there will be more than 2000 five fold ministries that will be under the covering of The Body Of Christ United Global International Ministries. Glory, Glory, Glory to God Forevermore!!!!

When the People of God come together in a Spirit of One In Christ Jesus, All things are possible, because it is not contrived by mans doing, but rather it is the will and manifestation of our Heavenly Father's will, design, and purpose from God's perception and truth.

Even as God is moving in the earth, Please pray in agreement with us, that God's will, will be accomplished according to His design and purpose, without any resistance, in Jesus name, Amen.

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